Thursday 17 November 2016

A picture paints a thousand words

A single image used in your business can convey numerous messages, and these messages are providing your potential customers with their first impressions of your business. Creating a first impression only happens once and creating the right impression is vital.

So what does your logo say about you?

·         Will people want to know more?
·         Will people want to contact you?
·         Will people want to buy from you?

Obviously buying decisions are not (normally) based purely on a logo, but it is an integral part of a customer’s decision making process when they are deciding who to purchase from. With so many accessible offerings for people, an enticing logo, a memorable logo, a trust-inspiring logo is often a key part of the selection process, a way to narrow down the options.

So let’s take it back to basics....

What is a logo?

·         Something that tells people who you are
·         Something that represents your business
·         Something that enhances customers’ first impressions of you

Why do you need a good logo?

·         Make a great first impression – an amateurish logo makes you look amateurish
·         Make customers choose you – stand out from your competition
·         Appear bigger and more established
·         Look professional and gain trust
·         To be more memorable to your customers

What makes a good logo?

·         Easy to understand and recognise
·         Memorable in a positive light
·         Able to stand the test of time
·         Able to be used for different mediums (web, print, uniforms etc)
·         Eye-catching to your target audience

What’s an icon?

Icons are generally used to inform people or direct them:

·         Inform
o   Quickly show different types of product ranges or different areas of service
o   An extension of your brand, following the same look and feel
o   Designed to visually inform (remove the need for words)
o   Great for using on websites and on van graphics (for example)
o   Eye-catching and informative at a glance

·         Direct
o   Use as an action ‘button’ – call, tweet, click here...
o   Available to download in a variety of designs, and often free to download

In Summary...

Images are invaluable to get across information and 

messages quickly, and strong visuals will be memorable.

The right image will make customers want to know more... 

and we all want to attract our customers’ attention.

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